Friday, April 18, 2008

Quiz Name:

SS 8.2 Greek Philosophy and History


Multiple Choice (random answer order)


1. He believed that all relationships in the world could be expressed in numbers

A- Plato
B- Aristotle
C- Pythagoras

2. The ”father of history” who wrote about the Persian Wars

A- Herodotus
B- Mr. Curry
C- Aristotle


The author of The Republic, he was a student of Socrates

and the teacher of Aristotle.

A- Plato
B- Thucydides
C- Pythagoras

4. A group of philosophers who traveled from place to place teaching believed students should use their time to improve themselves and they also taught there was no absolute right or wrong.

A- Sophists
B- Helots
C- Historians

5. Teaching method that asks students pointed questions.

A- Cooperative Learning
B- Socratic Method
C- Service Learning

6. In the Republic, Plato described his ideal ____________

A- wife
B- government
C- hamburger

7. The __________ taught how to win arguments and make political speeches.

A- Sophists
B- Academy
C- Lyceum


Aristotle taught the _________ ______, which said that a person should do nothing in excess.

A- Golden Rule
B- Golden Mean
C- Golden Touch

9. Aristotle’s principle of ____________ is still used by scientists today.

A- Relativity
B- Observation
C- Gravity


Thucydides, who fought in the Peloponnesian War and later wrote the history of it, is considered to be the greatest ____________of the ancient world.

A- historian
B - philosopher
C -soldier

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